Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cangkuang Temple

The temple was first discovered in 1966 by a team of researchers Harsoyo and Uka Tjandrasasmita based on reports Published in the book Vorderman Bataviaasch Genotschap, published in 1893 about the existence of a statue of the ancient tombs and damaged in the Kampung Pulo, Leles. The tomb and statue of Shiva is indeed found. At the beginning of the research looks to rock that is the ruins of a temple building. Ancient tomb in question is the tomb of Muhammad Arief considered locals as their ancestors. In addition to find the ruins of the temple, there are also pieces of the blade as well as boulders who estimated the megalith. Subsequent research (1967 and 1968) managed to dig a tomb.
Although it can almost be ascertained that these temples were relics of Hinduism (roughly 8th century AD, one time with the temples on Batujaya site and on Cibuaya?), which surprisingly is the existence of an Islamic cemetery beside it.
At the beginning of the research looks to rock that is the ruins of the temple building and next to it there is an ancient tomb following a statue of Shiva, which is located in the middle of the ruins of the building. With the discovery of the andesite stones shaped beams, a team of researchers led by Tjandrasamita feel sure that around the place they originally contained a temple. Locals oftentimes use the beams to tombstones.

Location and Geographical Circumstances
Is the name of a village on Cangkuang and simultaneously existing Lake in Leles, Garut, West Java. In this area there is a temple of the same name with the name of the village and the Lake there, namely on Cangkuang Temple. This temple is on a small island whose shape is elongated from West to East with an area of 16.4 hectares. The small island in the middle of the Lake on Cangkuang is located at coordinates astronomical 106 degrees East longitude and 7 degrees south latitude. In addition to this island there are also two other islands are smaller in size.
On Cangkuang Temple is the only existing Hindu temple in tatar Sunda. Until now it has not found evidence that the temple may associate with a particular community or Kingdom. Nevertheless, archaeological data shows that prior to the arrival of Hindu influence on Cangkuang, in the area surrounding culture has been developing and producing tools mikrolit-obisidian, axe/Pickaxe, pottery, stone tools and metal buildings are made of rocks. On Cangkuang Temple is a cultural product is estimated to own the classic West Java in the fifth century, at the time of the Kingdom of peoples Kutai Taruma or To lo mo (according to tambo China) which later became the Sun to (Sunda?) until the end of the 7th century are still cited.

If seen from the shape of the building, then while on Cangkuang Temple argued that the experts came from the 8th century. However, if seen from the simplicity of decoration, engineering manufacturing, as well as a description of tambo China, it is not impossible on Cangkuang Temple buildings dating from the 7th century, concurrent with the creation of other temples in Java.

Lake on Cangkuang is situated in a lush valley, above an altitude of approximately 700 meters above sea level, surrounded by mountains and mountain ranges are: Mount Haruman (1,242 m) which is next to the North-East; Sand mountain Kadaleman (681 m) which is next to the Southeast; Dunes Gadung (1.841 m) which is next to the South; Mount Guntur (2849 m) which is next to the West-South; Poor mountain (1.329 m) which is next to the West; Mandalawangi mountain, located in the South-North; and mount Kaledong (1,249 m) which is next to the East.
Whereas, on Cangkuang Island consists of low hills and parts of the Mainland. And on Cangkuang Temple is located on the highest part. This temple has now been decorated with landscaping and equipped with a porch information. The funeral of the local community there is the lower (approximately 3 kilometres).

On the plateau there is a low level of indigenous villages (Kampung Pulo) with some homes staying and langgar one. In the middle of the village there is a large enough page. Its inhabitants are bound to certain customs regulations relating to Islamic legendary tomb is on top of the Hill on Cangkuang. Actually on Cangkuang Island can be reached not only by getek (sort of boat) from the village of Ciakar, but can also walk down the street setepak in the middle of the rice fields.

On Cangkuang Temple is found first in December 1966 by Uka Tjandrasasmita (a member of the team Writing the history of West Java) based on reports of Vorderman (1893), the remains of the statue of Lord Shiva as well as the grave of Muhammad Arif on Cangkuang area. Turns out it was found on the island is not just a statue of Shiva, but also stones of the former temple building used as gravestones scattered Muslim grave in some places.

Flaked knives and large stones were found it was estimated the megalith. And, after the National Institute of Archaeology and Relics (LPPN) together with the lecturers and students from Jakarta and Bandung doing excavation (excavation), collect stones, depiction, the preparation of the experiment and a series of discussions, then the conclusion is that the stones were obviously the rest of the temple building. Concentrations of boulders were located under the large trees near a heap of stones is known by the public as a tomb In Arief Mohammad.

After nearly ten years is examined, LPPN who at the time headed by Mother Soeleiman, argued that restoration is impossible, because satisfying the material stays + 40% and where the layout direction is not known with certainty before him. But when left, the stones will be increasingly worn out and many are missing. To that end, it was decided to direkonstruksinya. Fortunately the remains of a temple were still 40% represents elements of all parts of the temple. Of course, its location in the place of concentration of the rock. A matter before him adapted to the layout of the existing temples in Java, namely to the East (although there are to the West). At Pelita II the year 1974 to 1977 the reconstruction of the temple can be completed. The result though is still less steady but can disqualify a growing public opinion over this that in Indonesia there is no temple.

Building Structures
On cangkuang Temple stands on a rectangular area that the material made from stones, measuring 4.7 x 4.7 metres with a height of 8.5 meters. Like other temples on Cangkuang Temple, consisting of three parts, namely: the legs, body and roof. Foot building that supports pelipit padma, pelipit, pelipit and kumuda pasagi, size is 4.5 x 4.5 m with a height of 1,37 m. On the East side there is the viewer where the stairs up the length of 1.5 meters and width of 1.26 meters.

The body shape is rectangular temple building 4,22 x 4, 22 m with a height of 2.49 meters. On the northern side there is the entrance measuring high 1.56 m wide and 0.6 meters. Top of the temple there are two levels: rectangular measuring 3.8 x 3.8 metres with a height of 1.56 metres and 2.74 2.74 meters x 1.1 meters in height. Inside are room-sized 2.18 x 2.24 meters high as 2.55 metres. In essence there is a basin measuring 0.4 x 0.4 meter it 7 yards (built during the reconstruction process so that the building be stable).

Among the remains of the temple building, also found the statue (1800s) with positions being above a double sitting cross-legged Lotus position. The left foot crosses over the bottom flat overlooking the inner right thigh. Right foot facing down on the saucers. In front of the left leg there is the head of the bull nandi is his ear leads to the future. With the presence of the head of nandi, the experts consider that it is the statue of Shiva. Both hands upturned in the top of the thigh. On his body there is a trimmer tummy, chest and ear trimmer trimmer. The State statues have been damaged, her face is flat, the second hand to wrist has been lost. The width of the face 8 centimeter wide, the shoulders of 18 centimeters in width, waist 9 inches, padamasana 38 centimeters (14 inches high), saucers 37 centimeters and 45 centimeter (6 inches high and 19 inches), height of 40 centimeters.


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