Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Situ Patenggang (Patenggang lake)

Situ Patengan or Situ Patenggang There is a lake that is located in the natural South of Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, in Ciwidey village. Located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, this Lake has a very exotic.
Its about 2 hours drive from the city of Bandung, West Java. In the southern part of the city of Bandung in Ciwidey village. To visit this place, You can get out of toll booth Kopo or Stones and then towards the South of Bandung. Some hints of the road to the crater or White Ciwidey village you can follow to get to this place.
The Myth Of The Situ Patenggang

Based on the information provided at the site, which is derived from the Sundanese Patenggang, pateangan-teangan (search for each other). Deals with the love of the son of King and Princess avatar of the great Goddess with nature, namely ki Santang and Princess Rengganis. They split up for the duration. Because his love is so deep, they are looking for and finally meet in a place that until now was called "rock of love". Princess Rengganis was asked to make a lake and a boat to sail together. This boat until now a heart shaped island (the island of romance/Pulau Sasaka). According to this story, which stopped at the love stone and around the island of romance, always got a lasting love like them.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Museum Ethnobotany Indonesia

The idea of founding a Museum Ethnobotany Indonesia was first coined by Prof. Sarwono Prawirohardjo who at that time served as Chairman of LIPI, coincided with the groundbreaking new Herbarium Bogoriense building in 1962. But the idea is just starting to think about as well as established back when Dr. Setijati Sastrapradja held the position of Director of IBN in 1973. After going through a long process, the museum finally can be realized and inaugurated on 18 May 1992 by the Minister of research Prof. Dr. Ing. B. J. Habibie. The Theme Museum Ethnobotany Indonesia ' Plant Utilization Of Indonesia '.

Ethnobotany is the branch of science that studies the relationship between vegetation tribes native to an area with neighboring plants. The term ethnobotany was first introduced by an American anthropologist named Harsberger in 1895. Aspects of Botany, ethnobotany can give assistance in the determination of the origin of a plant, its spread, extracting the potential of plants as a source of the necessities of life, the meaning and significance of plants in culture as well as local community response against a type of plant.
Indonesia in terms of climate has a large range, allowing the high diversity of plant life in the region. In addition Indonesia also inhabited by more than 500 entries or entry. Lema lema-itself varies in category disambiguation, sub-tribe nation, social groups, communities that inhabit a small island and so on. Each entry has a different culture, something with the Customs and the applicable order, among others in utilizing natural resources in the vicinity.

Rapid development of modern technology allows easy connections between the Islands in Indonesia, even among countries in the world. This modern technology can often affect the lives and culture of the ethnic groups in Indonesia. As a result, traditional knowledge about plants subjected to erosion, so the perceived need to study and document the remains. Therefore, forming the Museum of Ethnobotany.

Provides information about the various forms of plant utilization by an ethnic group in Indonesia.
Preserving the richness of flora and culture of Indonesia are very diverse.
Push the power of creativity and the creativity of the utilization of different types of plants.
Provides information about the scope of the research activities of medicinal plants.
Source: Brochure "Museum Of Ethnobotany Indonesia (Indonesia Institute Of Sciences)

Tanah Lot Bali

Sights of Tanah Lot, Bali. Tanah Lot a Bali tourist attraction that offers natural beauty to see the sunset/sunrise. Tanah lot attractions is located in the village of Beraban sub-district of Kediri, Tabanan Regency is about 45 minutes from Kuta area. Here there are two temples that are located in a large stone on top. One is located on top of a mass of rock, when the tide will be visible this temple is surrounded by sea water and the other, in the North of Tanah Lot Temple is a temple which is overhanging the sea and over the cliff. Tanah Lot is part of Sad Kahyangan Temple. The Tanah Lot Temple in the middle of the beach is a place to worship the gods of the sea guard. Tanah Lot is famous as a beautiful place to see the sunset (sunset), usually the guests will arrive in the afternoon to see the see the beauty of the sunset. In this place, from the parking lot to the tourist places/temples, there are many art shop offering local handicrafts, plenty of food stalls and miniman, there is also a washroom/toilet facilities, which cost the charge not how. According to the legend of the Tanah Lot Temple was founded by the Brahmin who founded from Java named Danghyang Nirartha who hold the teachings of Hinduism, and he managed to strengthen the trust of the local community for about the teachings of Hinduism and Sad Kahyangan. Beraban Bendesa feel unrivalled many followers left him and became vassal Danghyang Nirarta. Then Bendesa told Danghyang Nirartha leave Tanah Lot. He agreed but before leaving the Tanah Lot, with all his strength to move chunks of Stone into the middle of the beach and build a temple there. She also changed her shawl into the serpent guards the temple. This snake is still there up until now and this snake including the types of sea snakes that has a distinctive flat tail like a fish, black color berbelang yellow. Beraban Bendesa feel amazed and later became a follower of Danghyang Nirartha.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Cihampelas Walk (Ciwalk)

Cihampelas Walk (Ciwalk) is a luxury that impressed shopping in bandung city in addition to that the place is very clean and comfortable. In this place we can walk around while shopping for a shady atmosphere and comfortable. This place is decorated with lights hanging in the trees.

Much of the food served, ranging from foods native to Indonesia, Asian and European food. Various places means any entertainment provided here from theaters to game station.

The place is located in the city centre and this is very easy to visit, besides in this place also provides the hotel with 4-star standard.

Grilled fish on the beach Glayem

When we are on the way in Indramayu not hurt us to drop by at the beach Glayem. Glayem beach is located about 15 km from the town of Indramayu or precisely at Juntinyuat. It lies just off the Tirtamaya coast, Indramayu tourism.

What is interesting from the beach Glayem? In addition to its beaches are still beautiful, the Beach is a fishing area also offers grilled fish, calamari and grilled shrimp were delicious. And indeed they offers a taste that much different with the usual grilled fish restaurants.
The udangnya form in addition to the great chili served really scrumptious.
If you're curious to try it, just come to the House to eat scrumptious cuisine offering Perdut. In addition to its beautiful beaches, just because dipesisir houses eating this form of saung.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Jatiluhur reservoirs

Jatiluhur reservoirs located in Kecamatan PurwakartaKota, Kabupaten Purwakarta Jatiluhur).Jatiluhur dam is the largest dam in Indonesia. The dam was named by the Government Reservoirs IR. h. Juanda, with panoramic views of the Lake that is the extent of the 8,300 ha. The dam was built since 1957 by a French contractor, with the potential of available water of 12.9 billion m3/year and is the first multipurpose reservoirs in Indonesia. (CA. 9 km from Center
Jatiluhur Reservoir in, plugged turbine unit with 6 power installed MW with 187 electric power production averages 1,000 million kwh each year, managed by PT. PLN (Persero).
Aside from that Reservoir water supply functions have Jatiluhur irrigation for rice 242.000 ha (twice a year planting), raw water is drinking water, aquaculture and flood control are managed by Perum Jasa Trita II.
In addition to functioning as a HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANT with the system the largest in the world, runoff the Jatiluhur has many recreational facilities, such as hotels and bungalows, bar and restaurant, tennis court, pool, camping, swimming pools with water slides, a meeting room, a means of recreation and water sports, playground and other facilities. Water sports and leisure facilities such as rowing, wind surfing, cruises, water skiing, boating and more.
In the waters of Lake Jatiluhur there is also fish farming keramba NET buoyancy, which became an attraction all its own. At the time of the day or night in silence we can fish full of tranquility while enjoying the grilled fish.
The lowliest anyway we can see Satellite Earth Station operated by PT Indosat Tbk. (CA. 7 km from the Centre of Purwakarta), as a means of international communication. The type of service provided, among others, international toll free service (ITFS), Indosat Calling Card (ICC), the international direct and others.
Jatiluhur reservoirs can be visited through the Purbaleunyi toll road (it Purwakarta-Bandung-Cileunyi), exit at Jatiluhur toll gate.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Khayangan Wonogiri

Kahyangan also is one of the main attractions of Wonogiri. State of nature surrounded the Hill as if split into two. This is because in the middle of an area of 9. 301.08 hectares (ha) it flows the river Wiroko. The largest river in the area and to the livelihood of the community. The craft is quite a lot of potential in this region being one of the potential that needs to be done. The existence of the spiritual tourist Kahyangan, adding a wealth of potential in this subdistrict. The location is always a stop off by authorities of the region and each month of Sura held night wayang kulit. In order to attract tourists, tourism Manager in the month of Sura made the torch all the way in.

Arriving in Kahyangan, visitors will find goa located over Paul. Allegedly, the place as a place bersemedinya Danang Suto Wijoyo, or known by Panembahan Senopati, first King of the Islamic Mataram Kingdom. In addition, there are also waterfalls, and celestial peak is said to be the place where Sutowijoyo menemuai Kanjeng Ratu Kidul, so for those who believe the superstitious, was banned from wearing a green shirt. The place was very crowded in the evening before the turn of the year (the month of Sura). Many newcomers from outside the region, especially from the region of Yogyakarta, to bertirakatan there. On a typical day, especially night Fri? at Kliwon, usually visited the people from outside the region, which is held during the success that has been achieved in the place of perantaunnya, by inviting local people.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cangkuang Temple

The temple was first discovered in 1966 by a team of researchers Harsoyo and Uka Tjandrasasmita based on reports Published in the book Vorderman Bataviaasch Genotschap, published in 1893 about the existence of a statue of the ancient tombs and damaged in the Kampung Pulo, Leles. The tomb and statue of Shiva is indeed found. At the beginning of the research looks to rock that is the ruins of a temple building. Ancient tomb in question is the tomb of Muhammad Arief considered locals as their ancestors. In addition to find the ruins of the temple, there are also pieces of the blade as well as boulders who estimated the megalith. Subsequent research (1967 and 1968) managed to dig a tomb.
Although it can almost be ascertained that these temples were relics of Hinduism (roughly 8th century AD, one time with the temples on Batujaya site and on Cibuaya?), which surprisingly is the existence of an Islamic cemetery beside it.
At the beginning of the research looks to rock that is the ruins of the temple building and next to it there is an ancient tomb following a statue of Shiva, which is located in the middle of the ruins of the building. With the discovery of the andesite stones shaped beams, a team of researchers led by Tjandrasamita feel sure that around the place they originally contained a temple. Locals oftentimes use the beams to tombstones.

Location and Geographical Circumstances
Is the name of a village on Cangkuang and simultaneously existing Lake in Leles, Garut, West Java. In this area there is a temple of the same name with the name of the village and the Lake there, namely on Cangkuang Temple. This temple is on a small island whose shape is elongated from West to East with an area of 16.4 hectares. The small island in the middle of the Lake on Cangkuang is located at coordinates astronomical 106 degrees East longitude and 7 degrees south latitude. In addition to this island there are also two other islands are smaller in size.
On Cangkuang Temple is the only existing Hindu temple in tatar Sunda. Until now it has not found evidence that the temple may associate with a particular community or Kingdom. Nevertheless, archaeological data shows that prior to the arrival of Hindu influence on Cangkuang, in the area surrounding culture has been developing and producing tools mikrolit-obisidian, axe/Pickaxe, pottery, stone tools and metal buildings are made of rocks. On Cangkuang Temple is a cultural product is estimated to own the classic West Java in the fifth century, at the time of the Kingdom of peoples Kutai Taruma or To lo mo (according to tambo China) which later became the Sun to (Sunda?) until the end of the 7th century are still cited.

If seen from the shape of the building, then while on Cangkuang Temple argued that the experts came from the 8th century. However, if seen from the simplicity of decoration, engineering manufacturing, as well as a description of tambo China, it is not impossible on Cangkuang Temple buildings dating from the 7th century, concurrent with the creation of other temples in Java.

Lake on Cangkuang is situated in a lush valley, above an altitude of approximately 700 meters above sea level, surrounded by mountains and mountain ranges are: Mount Haruman (1,242 m) which is next to the North-East; Sand mountain Kadaleman (681 m) which is next to the Southeast; Dunes Gadung (1.841 m) which is next to the South; Mount Guntur (2849 m) which is next to the West-South; Poor mountain (1.329 m) which is next to the West; Mandalawangi mountain, located in the South-North; and mount Kaledong (1,249 m) which is next to the East.
Whereas, on Cangkuang Island consists of low hills and parts of the Mainland. And on Cangkuang Temple is located on the highest part. This temple has now been decorated with landscaping and equipped with a porch information. The funeral of the local community there is the lower (approximately 3 kilometres).

On the plateau there is a low level of indigenous villages (Kampung Pulo) with some homes staying and langgar one. In the middle of the village there is a large enough page. Its inhabitants are bound to certain customs regulations relating to Islamic legendary tomb is on top of the Hill on Cangkuang. Actually on Cangkuang Island can be reached not only by getek (sort of boat) from the village of Ciakar, but can also walk down the street setepak in the middle of the rice fields.

On Cangkuang Temple is found first in December 1966 by Uka Tjandrasasmita (a member of the team Writing the history of West Java) based on reports of Vorderman (1893), the remains of the statue of Lord Shiva as well as the grave of Muhammad Arif on Cangkuang area. Turns out it was found on the island is not just a statue of Shiva, but also stones of the former temple building used as gravestones scattered Muslim grave in some places.

Flaked knives and large stones were found it was estimated the megalith. And, after the National Institute of Archaeology and Relics (LPPN) together with the lecturers and students from Jakarta and Bandung doing excavation (excavation), collect stones, depiction, the preparation of the experiment and a series of discussions, then the conclusion is that the stones were obviously the rest of the temple building. Concentrations of boulders were located under the large trees near a heap of stones is known by the public as a tomb In Arief Mohammad.

After nearly ten years is examined, LPPN who at the time headed by Mother Soeleiman, argued that restoration is impossible, because satisfying the material stays + 40% and where the layout direction is not known with certainty before him. But when left, the stones will be increasingly worn out and many are missing. To that end, it was decided to direkonstruksinya. Fortunately the remains of a temple were still 40% represents elements of all parts of the temple. Of course, its location in the place of concentration of the rock. A matter before him adapted to the layout of the existing temples in Java, namely to the East (although there are to the West). At Pelita II the year 1974 to 1977 the reconstruction of the temple can be completed. The result though is still less steady but can disqualify a growing public opinion over this that in Indonesia there is no temple.

Building Structures
On cangkuang Temple stands on a rectangular area that the material made from stones, measuring 4.7 x 4.7 metres with a height of 8.5 meters. Like other temples on Cangkuang Temple, consisting of three parts, namely: the legs, body and roof. Foot building that supports pelipit padma, pelipit, pelipit and kumuda pasagi, size is 4.5 x 4.5 m with a height of 1,37 m. On the East side there is the viewer where the stairs up the length of 1.5 meters and width of 1.26 meters.

The body shape is rectangular temple building 4,22 x 4, 22 m with a height of 2.49 meters. On the northern side there is the entrance measuring high 1.56 m wide and 0.6 meters. Top of the temple there are two levels: rectangular measuring 3.8 x 3.8 metres with a height of 1.56 metres and 2.74 2.74 meters x 1.1 meters in height. Inside are room-sized 2.18 x 2.24 meters high as 2.55 metres. In essence there is a basin measuring 0.4 x 0.4 meter it 7 yards (built during the reconstruction process so that the building be stable).

Among the remains of the temple building, also found the statue (1800s) with positions being above a double sitting cross-legged Lotus position. The left foot crosses over the bottom flat overlooking the inner right thigh. Right foot facing down on the saucers. In front of the left leg there is the head of the bull nandi is his ear leads to the future. With the presence of the head of nandi, the experts consider that it is the statue of Shiva. Both hands upturned in the top of the thigh. On his body there is a trimmer tummy, chest and ear trimmer trimmer. The State statues have been damaged, her face is flat, the second hand to wrist has been lost. The width of the face 8 centimeter wide, the shoulders of 18 centimeters in width, waist 9 inches, padamasana 38 centimeters (14 inches high), saucers 37 centimeters and 45 centimeter (6 inches high and 19 inches), height of 40 centimeters.

Amed Beach Bali

Amed refers to a long stretch of coast running from the village of Cucik about 14 km eastwards incorporating the seven villages of Amed, Jemeluk, Bunutan, Lipah, Selang, Banyuning and Aas. The pace of life here is slow and the coastal scenery quite stunning making Amed the perfect place for a relaxed holiday in Bali.
Tourism object Amed has a beautiful coast with sunrise, underwater life also offers a great place to practice diving or diving. There is a Lake on the edge of a flat beach is good for practice, as well as the rock which can be reached by swimming for 5 minutes. Here is great for snorkeling, this area developed due to its beauty. Amed beach is located at the eastern end of the island of Bali, in the village of Amed, Karangasem Regency, Abang, Bali. Public life here in general are fishermen. The rural atmosphere is thick, pristine traditions have not affected the foreign culture, hospitality is still thick, beautiful Sunrise/sunrise in the morning, will add to the exotic atmosphere, while enjoying breakfast. With the beach with black sand, clear water conditions, diverse marine life, the life of the coral reefs, the warmth of the water preserved maintained constant is not changeable, the snorkeling and diving are here in great demand. Uterine walking down the beach at Amed you will meet with the village of Jemeluk and found small pieces and the most beautiful coral gardens you'll ever see.

Dreamland Bali

Dreamland Beach attractions located in the area called Pecatu. Still in the South of the island of Bali, Jimbaran is close to the GWK it does have beauty that equate to KUTA and even more unique than kuta, many say The next Kuta beach, where she is much more beautiful and more empty of visitors. Because it is in remote places, so the beach is much cleaner than on the Kuta Beach. On the beach, there are many more foreign tourists than local travelers. Perhaps because the waves are big, very suitable for warm buff sports surfing, and its beaches are clean, comfortable, gives the impression that when you sit or lie on the beach. Dreamland beach is surrounded by towering cliffs and surrounded by large rocks around its shores. This white sandy beach, located at the bottom of a steep cliff with magnificent scenery that was so riveting. The origin of the name because it used to be in Dreamland area was a residential and tourist project. However the project is hampered and dormant while the inhabitants of the village of Pecatu once lived as farmers are hoping the project completed and they can be involved with other businesses in the field of tourism. Because of the expectations of the community and the land became the land of the future they then diberilah the name of this land with dream land (land of dreams) Dream land Beach itself is almost similar to the Kuta Beach many say The next Kuta beach, but far more beautiful and more empty of visitors. White sand and a steep gully became so enthralling scenery to be seen. The water still looks crystal-clear. Because the place is quiet and the texture of the waves that could arguably create a pretty good surfing, many foreign tourists to come here. This place also has incredible reef is unique. often used for shooting prewed, models or even for shooting a movie that aired in Indonesia and beyond. The reef is also adding to the erotic and romantic atmosphere of the beach beside sunset.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pangandaran Beach

Pangandaran beach is one of the attractive tourist sites in the South of Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia. With a wide range of beauty and uniqueness that can spoil the tourists. Pangandaran Beach in addition to having a beautiful panorama, this beach also has the beautiful waves for surfers.
In addition to this pangandarain on the beach we can enjoy a culinary tour with fresh sea food.

Already some time, many feature that can be enjoyed by travelers in addition. Starting from Gowes Car. And, now there are also water sports (water sport).

In addition to the fun, this vehicle can also adrenaline for those who try it. Why not? Visitors who taste it will be brought up to the middle of the sea. Powered by boat, visitors will be drawn to the middle of the sea. However, in this case they will be taken using various types of inflatable boat.

There, on the East coast of Pangandaran many water sport vehicle providers. The choices were diverse. Starting from mable boats, banana boat, tornado, buterfly, sofa boat. Later, the donut rubber boat to boat, shaped like aircraft UFO.

In addition, there are also providing parasailing and snorkling. They will be invited to look at Pangandaran Beach from the air using parachutes (parasailing) that pulled the boats. While snorkling, visitors will be presented the underwater beauty of Pangandaran beach.

Every day, especially at the holidays that always rides will overwhelm the visitors. In fact, often from the service provider that is overwhelmed.

(Indonesia Tour)

Pelabuhan Ratu Beach

Pelabuhan Ratu Beach is a tourist spot famous for its beautiful scenery. These sights are located approximately 60 km south of sukabumi. The beach is well known as a haven of surf lovers because of the many places that ordinary tourists arriving for the purpose of surfing. The usual spot among tourists that visited the rock salt, Coral Sari, Cimaja, Sunset Beach, Seven waves and many more elsewhere. The topography consists of a mix of steep and sloping beach, steep cliffs, crashing surf, and forest reserves. In addition to a beautiful place because the beach is also famous because the story further enhance its mystique with regard to a Queen of the South coast. There is a famous hotel there called Samudera Beach Hotel has become the favourite residence of the first President of INDONESIA Soekarno. According to the story, the Queen of the South Coast named Nyi Roro Kidul is often visited, precisely in bed No. 308. They are often used as place to meditate and communicate with Nyi Roro Kidul by curious travellers will be the story. This beach is also a haven of turtles, which lay their eggs and turtle breed on this beach.

(Indonesia Tour)

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